Friday, November 30, 2012

The Infinite Truth!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

This is a Special Greeting
 To My Colleagues, Friends, and Well-wishers

In commemoration of a whole year of accumulated rich history
 And another to come,  filled with hopes and dreams!

This moment is an eternity

It is an opportunity in the field of infinite potential

It is the very embodiment of interdependence

It is the reality of ‘the here’ and ‘the now’ of cosmic consciousness

It is the reason for celebration to encompass all seasons

It is the womb of all events of the three times - as past, present, and future

This moment transcends all differentiations by way of mind-matter

It epitomizes selflessness that occupies neither time, nor space

It symbolizes LOVE, as ‘one in the all’ and ‘all in the one’

With this in our purview of awakening,

May we breathe to live as one human family!

May we live this moment with unbiased LOVE

 To remain in service to one another,
 while we are enriched by each other

May we cherish each shared breath of the universe

 With unconditional respect to all creatures of sentience

 They  all wish for happiness as much as we ourselves do!

May we, thus, sublimate our instinctual energies, or better said, tendencies

   So that we may bring out the best of our human potential

 To find the equality and preciousness that underlies all of LIFE

May we surf, swim, and dive, in the ocean of existence

 Along with all others that embrace LOVE,

 Giving and receiving

 Without expectation and exploitation

All in all, may we reap the bountiful consequences
 of our thoughts, words, and deeds

Of Unfaltering Wisdom and Compassion!

May Peace be with You Now, and Forever!

Happy New Year 2013

Warmest Regards!

Nelunika Gunawardena Rajapakse

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Our Precious Human Condition

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

It Must be Preserved with Mental Poise and Equllibrium

The fires of passion, aversion, and delusion continue to ravage our world; we persistently witness confused mindsets self-indulgent with over-stimulated sensuality and self-elevating ideals. In the process moral standards, ethical duties, and basic human obligations are compromised.

There is also a popular perspective that biology and its calls for fulfillment must take precedence over morality, honesty, and integrity.  Our human condition calls for spiritual ascent through the sublimation of instinctual tendencies. The very endowment of our ‘free will’ and ‘imaginative reasoning’ places us above all other beings of sentience to execute thoughts, words, and deeds within ethically balanced boundaries.

In our privileged human state of being we are blessed enough to make choices in life, so that we may aspire to adopt improved habitual patterns of living, while adapting to conditions, situations, and circumstances without harming other fellow beings.

Human shortsightedness is undeniably matched with its balanced return to our own misfortune, misery and dismay.  Thus, moral order and justice seemingly reigns over our temporal misgivings.  In a conclusive sense, spiritual regression is never the way to contentment although we are, more often than not, fooled by the follies of worldly perception or deception.

Human progression all the way around, ultimately, rests upon the cultivation of balanced ethical and moral values as healthy living ideals. This is the paramount truth that lies beneath all of our choices.

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Let Us Join Hands in the Circle of LOVE

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

An Inspiration of Unconditional Compassion

 In Tribute to the Fallen, Injured, and Down Trodden

 on Behalf of a Nation 

Let us join hands in the circle of LOVE 

Let our LOVE emanate without conditions

Let our LOVE extend to all beings of sentience

Let our LOVE remain transcendent

 in realization of the preciousness of existence as 'forms of perception'

Let our LOVE, embrace all beings - without exception - with equal love

Let our LOVE be filled with insight

  to understand the deep interconnectedness we hold

with all beings of sentience who remain:

near and far

visible and invisible

great and small

endangered and common

discontented and contented

in painful states and pleasurable states

seemingly harmful or harmless

seemingly violent or non-violent

injured or uninjured

exploited and unexploited

down trodden and uprisen

ignorant or wise

Let our LOVE, ultimately, be the cause

 for the preservation of equality in existence

Let our LOVE become luminous

 to see no differentiations in the basic value of life!

Let our LOVE exude the radiant wisdom of selflessness

Let our LOVE remain infectiously brilliant with compassion

In sum, wake up to our morally ordered universe that serves all beings

 with equal justice - checking and balancing all acts of body-speech-mind!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Cosmos, in a Philsophical Sense

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

 A Field of Diverse Tiers of Operation, Their Forces and Interactions

From a human perspective it is known as the universe

The very consequence of interdependence

Fathomable as a result of cooperation

Of diverse units of mind - from the infinite to the infinitesimal

from the macroscopic to microscopic levels of perception

Each of which, in accordance with its force of energy exerted

wields and oar to propel this vast being - the universe

while riding on it, and while riding on the efforts of all other beings

as aforementioned

 The universe - as all beings and forms experience - is material

Often times, feeling betrayal is the common circumstance

after much effort, enthusiasm, and industry invested

 upon its formation and evolution

The universe seems like a venomous pet we rear, being hurt by it

beyond conception!

This pet offers no measurable satisfaction

Thus the wise are cautioned against this hopeless pursuit

 They realize that escape from 'matter' is the way

to overcome the folly of deception, called attachment

since matter from 'the coarsest' to 'the subtlest'

is the ever-clinging demon

 that denounces all beings to pain and suffering

Such, is the realization

Thus, the wise aspire to be spacious and contented

in the peaceful plane of existence

where the inferior, low matter does not gather.

Thus, there shall exist

 No formations of substances,

No pulls towards defilements

Neither wants, nor greed

Neither grasping, nor clinging

Neither hatred, nor animosity

Thus, no ignorance whatsoever!

The pure and untainted state of bliss

Having no alliance with matter

is the sum order.

This state of being is the supreme wonder

charged with the maximum power of mind

having transcended the field of matter

It is the sole accumulation

 and propulsion of purity, eternal!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Appearance and Emptiness is Reality

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.


 Is its Field of Infinite Potential

A vessel's importance is its emptiness to hold, but not its form

Thus, it fulfills its purpose by its emptiness

Education, by the same token, must embrace

 the compassionate living wisdom of momentous interdependence 

 as the dramatic portrayal of compassion

that pervades the field of global co-existence.

The aim of education must be to close the gap between the appearance of form

 and the reality of no form

in the field of empty essence in action

 as selfless interdependence

  Hence, in an ultimate sense, we are confronted with the potent reality -

  The truth exists in being other-centered, as opposed to being self-centered.

We must surf the waves of interdependence

 transmitting the energy of good will alone 

while abstaining from ill will to all forms of sentience that wish equally

for their happiness!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Mind is Everything!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Nothing Exists Outside Mind!

The mind is a flowing repository. Colored by imprints of experience, it pulsates through infinite time checking and balancing the equation of life. An unbroken continuum of causes, and conditioned effects of causes - as consequences, unveil the daunting reality that we must continually encounter, in momentum. 

As temporal beings of privileged capacity, we can make the difference in the field of all possibilities. It is in our human potential to crystalize this river of incessant 'being' and 'becoming' with thoughts, words, and acts of purity and charity, as a help to all of life. 

Mindfulness, patience, perseverance, humility, and non-discrimination are thus the pivotal virtues that await their cultivation in attainment of our lasting success and happiness.

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

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