Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Tribute to MY Mother, My Goddess of LOVE!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

This is a Precious time-stamp!

My Beloved mom,
You were an emanation of buddha nature in my eyes of form
Through 'over one half of a century' of my very existence

You were the living norm!

Your passing away,
fourteen years ago, on November 25, 2000,
realistically I look upon, as a transformation, in kind,

to another guise!

While mind alone is an indestructible continuum
mind-body processes arise, prevail, and decline, towards demise
for re-appearance, through eternal time!
This, I have come to realize, is the way of life!

We cannot hold on to impermanence, that is ephemeral and futile! 
The 'self' we know is 'without self' - the truth divine!

Thus I do not mourn over your loss, my mother 
Mourning is to no avail!
I have never really lost you, other than our known connection
through a familiar appearance, that once prevailed!

For I now know there is neither birth, nor death, to prevail
other than the energy of mind
spiraling along many directions, in continuum, to say
assuming different forms as 'mind-body processes'
to learn all lessons to perfection
until all attachments to low matter are dispelled!

Having said all of the above,
You were the most beloved and revered wife

to my wondrous and unsurpassable father!

You conceived me and my two precious brothers

with the blessings of your heart, abundant with LOVE, eternal.

You bestowed upon your grand children

strength, security, and the wisdom of nature!

You illuminated the lives of all who met you,

whether by chance, or not, 
yet with fervor!

Your physical presence was everyone's treasure

abounded with virtues beyond measure.

You lived to give knowledge

grounded upon the cosmic moral order 
through sixty eight grand years, 
of eighty five years of your existence!

Selflessness, most candidly expressed, was your very nature.

Those who were fortunate enough to cross your path

- from the four corners of this Earth -
will surely attest to having had the experience
of your peacefully resolute demeanor
that epitomized vigor, valor, and candor 
to execute your purpose in life
through each breath, and each step forward!

Yes, the children of the Earth for generations to come

shall savor the benefits of your LOVE!
For the incessant ripple effects of happy continuation
shall perpetuate the seeds, 
to grow the fruits of your lasting COMPASSION! 

Yes, of course, I,  along with my siblings, husband, and children

not forgetting all those who look upon you, with reverence,
shall hold you as our idol, in our hearts of surrender!

May you through the infinite expanses of time and space

cross our paths to touch our lives, again and again,
until we are liberated from all conditionings! 

I am your most affectionate daughter,


 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Seasons of Space -Time

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Autumn Splendor!

We cannot deny the marvels of nature
When life sheds beauty of maturation
devoid of exceptions!

We cannot overlook the cyclic processes
reeling through space-time adventure
in four stages!

The spring of tenderness
The summer of life's preservation
The autumn of maturity
The winter of decline and dissolution
For life's renewal and restoration

Yes, ultimately, nothing is born, nothing dies!
Witness the passing dream of the waking state
Through transformation alone
The TRUTH sublime!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Shared LOVE in the Ocean of Interdependence

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Our Human Purpose

All beings born with sensory perception share the world of interrelatedness.

Each wishes for its own happiness while it serves the greater purpose of living for the good of the whole.

Each treasures it's shared breath of life! 

Each so deserves the ultimate respect!

Each deserves no harm!

May all beings who are self-respecting do no harm to other beings that love life!

Our Human purpose in our privileged human condition, therefore, is to emulate the human spirit of selfless LOVE - transcending any, or all, instinctual tendencies.

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Quality of Perception Rests in The Eyes of the Observer!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

The World Manifests Accordingly!

Photo: The picture below is a marvelous depiction of perception and its unique nature that rests in the eyes of its observer.  

All formations as appearances are, essentially, the kaleidoscopic patterns that evolve to dissolve, and vice-versa - in swift transience and transformation - contingent upon a two-fold interactivity between (subjective) sense-bases and (objective) sense-fields. 

Accordingly, our human reality is both a continuum and a synthesis of individuality and universality manifested as 'world' or 'universe'. 

However, there is an individual nature to experience that defines one mind-body-stream, from another.

Contemplation on the illusive nature of appearances is pivotal towards our spiritual ascent. Detachment - from changing appearances - is the way to eternal peace.

Perception is notably double edged. As such, progression or regression in existence lies within the sphere of perception alone and, therefore, the quality of cognition associated with it. 

Conclusively, a change from darkness to brilliance in 'life and being' is possible only from the ground of individuality. Non-attachment, however, is the key factor to keep in mind! May the world be healed by this wisdom of letting go!

Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs
Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs

The picture shown above is a marvelous depiction of perception and its unique nature that rests in the eyes of its observer. 

All formations as appearances are, essentially, the kaleidoscopic patterns that evolve to dissolve, and vice-versa - in swift transience and transformation - contingent upon a two-fold interactivity between (subjective) sense-bases and (objective) sense-fields. 

Accordingly, our human reality is both a continuum and a synthesis of individuality and universality manifested as 'world' or 'universe'. 

However, there is an individual nature to experience that defines one mind-body-stream, from another.

Contemplation on the illusive nature of appearances is pivotal towards our spiritual ascent. Detachment - from changing appearances - is the way to eternal peace.

Perception is notably double edged. As such, progression or regression in existence lies within the sphere of perception alone and, therefore, the quality of cognition associated with it. 

Conclusively, a change from darkness to brilliance in perception - and therefore, in 'life and being' - is possible only from the ground of individuality. Non-attachment, however, is the key factor to keep in mind! 

May the world be healed by this wisdom of letting go!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Attitude is Everything!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Attitude Carves All of Life-Events

Photo: Atititude, Attitude, Attitude!

This is the key point! 

There is an attitude associated with everything we think, say, and do, in time and space. 

Diverse attitudes bring about diverse scenarios in direct alignment with the particular energy of mind that initiated the process of thought, word or action.

Life experience - from moment to moment, hour by hour, day by day - very apparently, is the consequence of overall mental attitude. If we get this right, all the rest are details!

A spacious attitude is to our gain, whether we are willing to harness   and utilize this powerful energy, or not!

A claustrophobic attitude of any degree, on the contrary, may only assure us with emotional unrest.

We are the choice-makers; we are the drivers of the truth of life- experience!

Let us weigh all of our choices, at all times possible, with a clean attitude freed from toxic mind-matter!

Today, we are baffled by a world crazed with mixed attitudes. We are confronted with the inevitable consequences of our human choices, colored by our attitudes. 

The ultimate power lies within each individual; change is only possible at the grassroots of individuality. A society may undergo change when individuals unite; therefore, the  individual mindset and its orchestration is pivotal, towards the healthy sustenance, growth, and equilibrium in a society. 

Let us begin the process of cultivation - of clean attitudes - today! The child in the family - in whom lies the future of our world - will be the happy beneficiary! 

As far as climate change goes, attitude has everything to do with it. This realization can make the difference!

My Gratitude to: Kris Smith for posting this picture on her timeline

Attitude, Attitude, Attitude!

This is the key point! 

There is an attitude associated with everything we think, say, and do, in time and space. 
Diverse attitudes bring about diverse scenarios in direct alignment with the particular energy of mind that initiated the process of thought, word or action.

Life experience - from moment to moment, hour by hour, day by day - very apparently, is the consequence of overall mental attitude. If we get this right, all the rest are details!

A spacious attitude is to our gain, whether we are willing to harness and utilize this powerful energy, or not!

A claustrophobic attitude of any degree, on the contrary, may only assure us with emotional unrest.

We are the choice-makers; we are the drivers of the truth of life- experience!

Let us weigh all of our choices, at all times possible, with a clean attitude freed from toxic mind-matter!

Today, we are baffled by a world crazed with mixed attitudes. We are confronted with the inevitable consequences of our human choices, colored by our attitudes.

The ultimate power lies within each individual; change is only possible at the grassroots of individuality. A society may undergo change when individuals unite; therefore, the individual mindset and its orchestration is pivotal, towards the healthy sustenance, growth, and equilibrium in a society.

Let us begin the process of cultivation - of clean attitudes - today! The child in the family - in whom lies the future of our world - will be the happy beneficiary!

As far as climate change goes, attitude has everything to do with it. This realization can make the difference!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Our Magical World - A Tapestry of Interwoven Threads of Time and Space!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Entrapped Within
 The Eighteen Elements of Being!

Our world is a tapestry of interwoven threads of vacillating 'time in space', and 'space in time’ - reflected upon as  diverse facets and beings of LOVE - crisscrossing and overlapping each other to fulfill the retributive effects and consequences - as cyclic events of an unbroken chain of causation - manifested solely by 'the presence' of cooperative conditions as  sheer opportunity, function, and circumstance.

Each of us, in this tapestry, is a bearer and a sharer of time’s special gifts of LOVE; they are absolutely unique and unsurpassed by any other; as to whoever, whenever, wherever, why, and whatever, one might be, over another, is contingent upon the imprints set within each individual stream of body-speech-mind; accordingly, these streams of mind intersect , with precision and perfection, along the vast scheme of redemption - in adherence to the cosmic moral order of the universe; such is the vast and inconceivable web of causes and consequences, accompanied by cooperative conditions!

The special gifts of 'LOVE' are, indeed, the the natural emanations of interdependent co-existence; wisdom and compassion - surpassing egoistic discriminations - permeates this tapestry, bringing to fruition the checks and balances of all acts of body-speech-mind, with meaning and purpose beyond any, or all, speculation; the cosmic moral law of intentional action and equal reaction, needless to say, reigns supreme in the universal tapestry of LOVE and justice!

Essentially, the tapestry of LOVE as ‘a whole’ is the inevitable consequence of its collective parts; the parts merely are the colored reflections of all other parts of the whole; it is the magical, magnanimous display of 'presence' as 'interdependent co-existence’ by way of 'multiplicity and diversity' within one universal field of 'unity and simplicity'; thus the relativity of 'multiplicity and diversity' is inseparably and indivisibly intertwined with the  reality of the absolute - the  nature of 'unity and simplicity' that mirrors all cosmic conditions!

Each part holds intrinsic value in relation to all other parts, and therefore, 'the whole' - the field of infinite potential or all possibilities, of emergence and non-emergence of phenomena, based upon a complex web of co-originating factors, as causes, cooperative conditions, and consequences of redemption.  Each individual part is indispensable for the sustenance of the whole. 

The universal tapestry is every breath of interdependence that reflects as 'right here' and 'right now', called 'presence' or 'existence'; Nothing exists outside this moment; thus each moment is the universe; the universe resides within the moment-mind that transcends space and time!

The universe is the playful wakefulness of truth and phenomena. The truth is the mind of cognitive clarity alone, filled with luminous empty essence, from which manifestations of transience - as non-abiding phenomena - evolve to dissolve, and vice-versa.

The universe is thus the playful wakefulness or the dynamic field of unobstructed truth and phenomena.

The universe is the dynamic and unobstructed interpenetration of truth and phenomena.

The universe is the dynamic and unobstructed interpenetration of truth, in every phenomenon.

The psychophysical universe, ephemeral by nature, manifests three pairs of phenomena:

All  things in existence are of simultaneous formation and disintegration

All things in existence are marked with simultaneous characteristics of unity and diversity.

All things in existence are marked with simultaneous natures of universality and  particularity.

All in all, the psychophysical universal fabric is ephemeral by nature; two intimately interdependent, indivisible, inseparable spheres of operation as physiological/physical (as outer of body and environment) and mental/psychological (as inner),  together manifest our world.

The miracle of existence is brought forth by the eighteen elements of being; they are the six sense-bases, fields, and consciousness; they remain interactively engaged to sustain the relativity of biorhythmic phenomena within the reality of the all-encompassing field of infinite potential or cognitive clarity - called the MIND, itself!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Heal Your Inner WorldI

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

This is the Way to Happiness and Peace!

Photo: Yes, peace is our natural abode when we look deep within.

All of our mental agitations come about when we do not know where to look!

All that surrounds us outwardly are mere life-lessons in time and space; they call for our internal attention and unwavering contemplation so that we may clearly understand the origin and cessation of all mental unrest, not forgetting the associated physical conditions or ripple effects. 

In the final analysis, we must surrender to one pristine reality that healing begins - on an individual basis - from 'within', but not 'without'.

This realization, in itself, is the way to bliss!

Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs
Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs

Yes, peace is our natural abode when we look deep within.

All of our mental agitations come about when we do not know where to look!

All that surrounds us outwardly are mere life-lessons in time and space; they call for our internal attention and unwavering contemplation so that we may clearly understand the origin and cessation of all mental unrest, not forgetting the associated physical conditions or ripple effects.

In the final analysis, we must surrender to one pristine reality that healing begins - on an individual basis - from 'within', but not 'without'.

This realization, in itself, is the way to bliss!

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Friday, April 18, 2014

PEACE, It Begins Within!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 


Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs

We search for peace along countless avenues and directions across space and time while the under-current of ignorance with the mark of a 'self' pitifully masks 'the state of purity and harmony' that prevails within.

The human ego is the catalyst beneath all emotional unrest that emerges from compartmentalized thought. The self-propellant interest in the human condition undeniably works against the happiness and advancement of each of us, as individuals.

The self-serving drama of human passion and aversion, in turn, sets the macrocosmic life-principles out of synchrony, sadly, to affect our living world of sentience, not forgetting the environment. 

A transformation in the outer scenery may only be possible if, and when, we penetrate the depths of mind, illuminating all acts of thought-word-deed, with cognitive clarity; a mind thus charged up from 'within' dispels our ignorance to overcome all woes of life and being.

In an absolute sense, the outside is a mere projection of the inside where all inclusions of thought may only be purified on an individual basis.

Let us begin to change our world for the better, today, by cleaning up our insides!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Artemisinin: A Cancer Smart Bomb by Len Saputo, MD

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Knowledge to Save Life!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Mother, The Light of My Life

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Photo Credit to: Spiritual Quote's Meditations & Beautiful Photographs

This is a salutation to you, my mother - Mildred Gunawardena: you were born on Earth a year less than a century ago!

Your birth then, on April 12, was aligned to fill the tapestry of life with meaning and purpose, as sun or moonlight! 

You grew in the tenderness of ‘heart and mind’ from being an infant to a child, cherishing each present with zest and delight.

You matured into youth, and beyond, with awe for life, surrendering to change while journeying through time. Yes, the tests of 'time and change' took you along bumps, twists, curves, and turns, along avenues of experience, varied in kind.

You evolved through the four phases in existence – from your very inception through growth and maturation to decline and demise – with unique attributes touching all of life!

First a gentle child of humanity having played many pleasant roles through the dream of life - a precious daughter, a loving sister, a beloved wife, a doting mother, a wise and unforgettable grandmother, an affable aunt, a caring friend, a devoted mentor, a grateful acquaintance, a dedicated educator, an inspiring speaker, a courageous administrator, and above all, a role model to countless beings who crossed your path in space and time.

You were uniquely composed to emanate your LOVE - with purpose, poise, placidity, persistence, and perseverance - to the best of your human potential, just to be forthright.

You have left your lasting imprints behind, to light up the hearts and souls of humankind.

Beloved Mother, you are one in a million, and the light of my own life!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Knowledge Grounded in Unconditional Love and Compassion

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Lovingly Inspired by Two Great Women
 Dr. Maria Montessori and Mildred Gunawardena

Photo: Yes, My mother, Mildred Gunawardena, imbibed the wisdom of Maria Montessori in 1944, having directly experienced this amazing woman’s passion to serve humanity through the child.

Dr. Maria Montessori was a woman of vigor and valor. She stood ahead of her time ‘thinking outside the box’, to say the very least. Blessed with inner strength and intellectual fervor, she became the first woman doctor in Italy. She was a rarity in humankind. Grounded in her passion to serve, and steadfastly motivated in all of her life endeavors, she inspired the world with her unwavering educational perspective – solely, in reverence to ‘the child, the father of man’ in her own words. 

In my view, in harmony with my own mother’s love of the Montessori vision, the word ‘MONTESSORI’ stands for ‘unconditional love’ that must revolve around the child.

To my mother, Montessori’s vision was no alien construct. Rather, it fell in perfect synchrony with the philosophical wisdom of ‘interdependence and co-existence’ - giving importance to the precious nature of all beings, forms, and aspects, of life. From this perspective, the deeper we penetrate the world of interrelatedness, the more reverent our attitude towards life will become. 

When my mother met Maria Montessori  over six decades ago it was a convergence of two minds that surpassed all physical, social, and intellectual boundaries. Each time I saw my mom I saw Dr. Montessori in her. Each time I saw the picture of Maria Montessori, I saw my mother in her. 

Yes, the daunting truth is that all conventional differences are merely skin deep. Ultimately, the lasting impressions sown in the hearts and minds of all - in living kind - are those that will be left behind.

Hence, I pay homage to my mom and her greatest inspiration Dr. Maria Montessori.

Acknowledgement: I have gratefully shared the picture posted by my friend Nelun Ratwatte

Yes, My mother, Mildred Gunawardena, imbibed the wisdom of Maria Montessori in 1944, having directly experienced this amazing woman’s passion to serve humanity through the child.

Dr. Maria Montessori was a woman of vigor and valor. She stood ahead of her time ‘thinking outside the box’, to say the very least. Blessed with inner strength and intellectual fervor, she became the first woman doctor in Italy. She was a rarity in humankind. Grounded in her passion to serve, and steadfastly motivated in all of her life endeavors, she inspired the world with her unwavering educational perspective – solely, in reverence to ‘the child, the father of man’ in her own words.

In my view, in harmony with my own mother’s love of the Montessori vision, the word ‘MONTESSORI’ stands for ‘UNCONDITIONAL LOVE’ that must revolve around the child.

To my mother, Montessori’s vision was no alien construct. Rather, it fell in perfect synchrony with the philosophical wisdom of ‘interdependence and co-existence’ in nature's patterns of incessant transience - giving importance to the precious nature of all beings, forms, and aspects, that essentially compose life. From this perspective, the deeper we penetrate the world of interrelatedness, the more reverent our attitude towards life will become.

When my mother met Maria Montessori over six decades ago it was a convergence of two minds that surpassed all physical, social, and intellectual boundaries. Each time I saw my mom I saw Dr. Montessori in her. Each time I saw the picture of Maria Montessori, I saw my mother in her.

Yes, the daunting truth is that all conventional differences are merely skin deep. Ultimately, the lasting impressions sown in the hearts and minds of all - in living kind - are those that will be left behind.

Hence, I pay homage to my mom and her greatest inspiration Dr. Maria Montessori.

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

A New Year's Resolution to Keep!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Surpassing all Reservations!

Photo: Here is a NEW YEAR's resolution to keep!

All it requires is to make a healthy shift in our attention so that we may steer our world in the direction of PEACE.

Change must take place from 'within', so that we, in unison, may change the scenery 'without'.

Change must occur within the mind of each individual, in order to permeate the mindset of the collective.

Change must come about with inspiring influences in humanity.

Change calls for unconditional LOVE that rests at the heart of truth.

Change rooted in loving kindness and compassion brings forth the rich harvest of beneficial consequences, in kind, all the way around.
Change calls for transformation to be 'other-centered' than being 'self-centered'.

Change must evolve from the base of spirituality, as opposed to materiality.

Change that manifests from virtuous thoughts, words, and deeds shall only bring the fruits of its own accord.

Change for peace is the work of nobility - it stems from patience, perseverance, courage, and humility!

Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, and Beautiful Photographs

Here is a NEW YEAR's resolution to keep!

All it requires is to make a healthy shift in our attention 
so that we may steer our world in the direction of PEACE.

Change must take place from 'within',
 so that we, in unison, may change the scenery 'without'.

Change must occur within the mind of each individual,
 in order to permeate the mindset of the collective.

Change must come about with inspiring influences in humanity.

Change calls for unconditional LOVE that rests at the heart of truth.

Change rooted in loving kindness and compassion brings forth the rich harvest
 of beneficial consequences, in kind, all the way around.

Change calls for transformation to be 'other-centered'
 than being 'self-centered'.

Change must evolve from the base of spirituality,
 as opposed to materiality.

Change that manifests from virtuous thoughts, words, and deeds
 shall only bring the fruits of its own accord.

Change for peace is the work of nobility - 
it stems from patience, perseverance, courage, and humility!

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

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